Setting up the development environment


  • Git client
  • Go version 1.14.x
  • Docker version 18.03 or later
  • (macOS) Xcode must be installed
  • (macOS) GNU tar. You can use Homebrew to install it as follows:
brew install gnu-tar
  • (macOS) If you’ve installed GNU tar, you should prepend the “gnubin” directory to your $PATH with something like:
export PATH=/usr/local/opt/gnu-tar/libexec/gnubin:$PATH
  • Libtool. You can use Homebrew to install it as follows:
brew install libtool
  • SoftHSM. You can use Homebrew or apt to install it as follows:
brew install softhsm              # macOS
sudo apt-get install libsofthsm2  # Ubuntu
  • jq. You can use Homebrew to install it as follows:
brew install jq


Clone the Hyperledger Fabric source

First navigate to and fork the fabric repository using the fork button in the top-right corner. After forking, clone the repository.

mkdir -p<your_github_userid>
git clone<your_github_userid>/fabric


If you are running Windows, before cloning the repository, run thefollowing command:

git config --get core.autocrlf

If core.autocrlf is set to true, you must set it to false by running:

git config --global core.autocrlf false

Configure SoftHSM

A PKCS #11 cryptographic token implementation is required to run the unit tests. The PKCS #11 API is used by the bccsp component of Fabric to interact with hardware security modules (HSMs) that store cryptographic information and perform cryptographic computations. For test environments, SoftHSM can be used to satisfy this requirement.

SoftHSM generally requires additional configuration before it can be used. For example, the default configuration will attempt to store token data in a system directory that unprivileged users are unable to write to.

SoftHSM configuration typically involves copying /etc/softhsm2.conf to $HOME/.config/softhsm2/softhsm2.conf and changing directories.tokendir to an appropriate location. Please see the man page for softhsm2.conf for details.

After SoftHSM has been configured, the following command can be used to initialize the token required by the unit tests:

softhsm2-util --init-token --slot 0 --label "ForFabric" --so-pin 1234 --pin 98765432

If tests are unable to locate the library in your environment, specify the library path, the PIN, and the label of your token in the appropriate environment variables. For example, on macOS:

export PKCS11_LIB="/usr/local/Cellar/softhsm/2.5.0/lib/softhsm/"
export PKCS11_PIN=98765432
export PKCS11_LABEL="ForFabric"

Install the development tools

Once the repository is cloned, you can use make to install some of the tools used in the development environment. By default, these tools will be installed into $HOME/go/bin. Please be sure your PATH includes that directory.

make gotools

After installing the tools, the build environment can be verified by running a a few commands.

make basic-checks docker-test-prereqs
ginkgo -r ./integration/nwo

If those commands completely successfully, you’re ready to Go!